Cut potaoes in 4 to 8 strips (a bit like french fries) and put them in a big bowl. Mix them with oil and some salt, spread them on a baking tray and bake for 40 min. at 200°C.
ingredients: approx. 700g potatoes, vegetable oil, salt.
Tools: oven (capable to heat to 200°C / 390°F), baking tray or sheet, bowl large enogh to hold all the potatoes plus some extra space, baking paper or aluminum foil, cutting board.
Detailed instructions: Preheat the oven to 200°C. Cover a baking tray with baking paper or aluminum foil (glossy side up). Wash the potatoes (hold them under running water while rubbing the surface with your fingers) and cut away any bad parts, if there are any (zones where the potato itself is black or dark brown). Option: Peel them (using a vegetable peeler). Cut them along the long axis into 4 to 8 pieces or strips (of 4 to 8 cm circumference) and collect the pieces in a large bowl. Pour oil and salt over the potato pieces. Remove any jewelry, clothes etc. from your hands and forearms, stretch out your fingers and slide your hands along the rim of the bowl in order to grab the pile of potatoes. Turn the pile by ~a quarter turn to mix the potatoes with the oil and salt (after the turm, your hands should be parallel to the bottom of the bowl, one palm facing upward, the other one downward). Repeat this until all potato pieces are covered by a thin film of oil. Distribute the potato pieces on the baking tray, wash your hands and bake the potato pieces at 200°C for 40 min. They should get a gloden / slightly brownish color; bake longer if necessary. To remove them from the baking paper / aluminum foil, a wooden or plastic spatule (heat-resistant) is useful.