Cut boiled (and cooled) potatoes to cubes. In a fry pan with a bit of oil, fry onions, peppers, bacon until slightly golden. Add the potato cubes and some salt and fry everything until golden-brown. Add egg(s), mix immediately with the rest and keep stirring occasionnaly until the egg becomes solid. Add spices as desired.
ingredients: approx. 300g boiled potatoes, 1 egg, vegetable oil, butter or margarine, salt & spices. Optional: half an onion, half a pepper, some bacon
Detailed instructions: Starting with boiled potatoes (cooled down for at least a few hours or stored for up to 24 h at RT or up to 5 d in the fridge) on a cutting board, using a knife with a sharp, smooth blade, cut potatoes into cubes of approx. 0.5 inch edge length. Cut onions rings. Red, yellow or green peppers: Wash them (hold them under running water while rubbing the surface with your fingers) and remove the stem by cutting circularly (around the stem) through the pepper approx. 5 mm from the stem. Place the side opposite to the stem on the cutting board and cut the pepper vertically in half. Remove the seeds (as well as the fibers attaching them to rest of the plant), then place the halves horizontally on the board. Cut strips of approx. 1 cm width. Add 2 tablespoons of butter, margarine or vegetable oil to a large fry pan and heat (until hot). Add onions and peppers and bacon and stir occasionally (a few strokes about every minute or so, using a wooden or plastic (plastic must be heat resistant 180°C) spoon or spatula). Add 1/4 teaspoon of salt. When the onions’ color turns from white to yellow or slightly brownish, add the potato cubes and keep stirring occasionally, until the potatoes get a golden / slightly brownish tint. Watch the onions (or the bacon strips): if they start turning black, proceed to the next step (even if you don’t perceive a color change in the potatoes). Open an egg and pour its content over the potatoes. As soon as you put away the egg shell, stir and keep stirring (a few strokes every 10 sec) until the stuff derived from the egg becomes just solid. Spices, such as pepper, paprika, etc. can be added at the end or together with the salt.